Tracer studies of airflow and air exchange

Identifying air movement carrying contaminants and assessing overall air changes per hour

Use of SF6 for tracking airflow through buildings and calculating ACH

Release of a tracer gas, typically SF6, can enable airflows through buildings to be quantified and identified when other methods such as pressure differential testing or smoke testing cannot perform adequately.

Tracer decay testing permits measurement of the outdoor air exchange in the building, measured in air changes per hour (ACH). Once all spaces in the building have uniform concentration of tracer, the outdoor intake is opened and the levels of tracer measured as they decline. The slope of the curve is the air changes per hour.

In the test on the right, the initial equalization can be seen, along with the slow decrease of tracer from outdoor air infiltration, followed by the rapid drop in tracer concentration once the outdoor air intake is opened. Each ACH can be calculated to determine if the space is being adequately ventilated.

If you’d like to discuss how we could assist you with tracking contaminants through buildings, or conducting a performance test of air changes per hour, please get in touch and arrange an exploratory call.

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