Suspect meth lab assessments
Meth labs and grow labs can impact residential property and make it unhabitable
Meth lab assessments
Methamphetamine and Precursors
Smoking meth and synthesizing meth in a residential or commercial property results in deposition of methamphetamine and the precursors onto surfaces, including counters, walls, and any content items. Children and other occupants of the home at a later time can result in transfer onto skin with absorption, or inhalation of particulate containing these substances. Australian government guidance and council protocols require remediation of properties contaminated in this manner.
Prezant conducts initial assessments using appropriate protocols as defined in Australian government documents. If levels exceed the investigation limit (IL), remediation is required. Prezant can assist in identifying contractors, canprovide a scope of work and enlist remediation bids from multiple contractors, and will provide post-remediation testing as required to return the property to a safe and livable condition.
Cannabis grow house
Transport of water for plants and installation of electrical service can profoundly damage a residence used to grow commercial quantities of cannabis indoors. Our assessment services and remediation verification can assist a property owner to return a residence to leasable condition.
If you’d like to discuss how you could benefit from any of our clandestine drug lab services, please get in touch and arrange an exploratory call.
Some of our clients