Other services

Our years of experience enables us to provide a wide range of services relating to indoor air quality

Other services

Smoke Damage

Bushfires or structural fires can impact buildings with soot deposition and possibly contaminate stock or foodstuffs. Prezant utilizes advanced microscopic techniques to distinguish various smoke sources, and ensure that contamination is identified and remediated. IAQ Radio interviewed Mr. Prezant in 2024 concerning testing techniques: https://youtu.be/4TaA2f6pZls


Management of asbestos components in buildings begins with recognizing the historical building products containing asbestos, and ensuring that they are not disturbed to prevent release of fibres. Sometimes, however, these materials are accidently disturbed, requiring careful measurement of the degree of dispersion into adjacent indoor locations, and, if appropriate, a clean-up under controlled conditions. Prezant can conduct a risk assessment and recommend the appropriate remediation to minimize liability and exposure.

Moisture & Mould

When moisture impacts a building, regardless of cause, biological activity begins, ultimately resulting in the visible growth of mould. Our first priority is to identify the source, identify which building materials are retaining moisture, and direct contractors to either remove them or dry them. Once the source is removed and everything is dry, Prezant will assess to what extent mould growth has occurred, and to what extent particulate from that growth has dispersed. Prezant then directs contractors and insures that their work is effective in removing fungal particulate. future occupants will not be exposed to the biological debris capable of causing health effects.

Indoor Air Quality

Complaints of odours or health symptoms attributed to the indoors can disrupt business as usual. There is a multitude of causes of such complaints, from contaminated outdoor air to products or processes indoors that are not properly vented. Prezant diagnoses indoor air quality problems, and provides solutions, using a wide variety of assessment tools. A careful audit of the ventilation system is usually incorporated into such an assessment, and Prezant has the expertise to diagnose system failures and implement solutions.

Occupational Hygiene

Workers can be exposed to a wide variety of chemicals and particles in the workplace. Prezant anticipates what might be present based on the materials and processes, identifies the specific agents, and conducts monitoring focused on both compliance with WorkSafe regulations and the health and safety program, and corporate culture. How we conduct the assessment and how the assessment results are communicated with workers is of equal importance to the technical aspects.

Re-entrainment of Contaminated Exhaust

Released tracer gas can indicate where exhaust streams are being re-entrained into a building, particularly when a building contains multiple exhausts and intakes, and/or is part of a larger campus where buildings are close to one another. State-of-the-art instrumentation permits Prezant to document re-entrainment and verify implemented solutions to prevent re-entrainment.

A. fumigatus, sewage, and other water damage related issues

Sewage leaks, water leaks, and other water damage occur frequently in health care settings. Highly professional and rapid response is necessary to minimize risk and resume operations. Prezant approaches these issues from an infection control perspective, working with existing personnel to minimize risk to vulnerable patient populations and minimize can manage such losses to minimize liability.

Occupational Hygiene

Chemicals, dusts, welding fumes, and many other toxic contaminants can result from normal industrial processes. Measurements to comply with applicable health and safety legislation can be conducted to minimize risks. Our real-time monitoring of gases and vapours using a multipoint sampler and portable FTIR can also identify fugitive emissions, within buildings and process facilities, and at property borders.


Matching the task to the capabilities of the worker is the goal of ergonomics. Sometimes, the tasks demand more from the particular worker population than would be considered ideal. Using task-based analysis, for industrial or for office environments, Prezant can identify how the work process can be changed to eliminate or minimize tasks that result in stress or strain.

Scientific, Pharmaceutical, & Research

Isolation of processes from people, clean rooms, and other critical needs can be assessed through tracer studies of air movement and/or chemical sampling. Prezant has worked in environments from operating rooms to chemical weapons decommissioning.

Indoor air Quality

Indoor air Quality is increasingly recognised as critical for health as well as performance. Assessment of complaint buildings and auditing of existing buildings absent complaints ensures optimal environmental conditions for business support.

Laboratory fume hood tracer testing

Performance verification of laboratory fume hoods using released SF6 and standardized test methods can reveal problems with hood performance. Our multi-point sampling and FTIR analysis of tracers can identify where these problems are occurring and point to intervention strategies.

If you’d like to discuss how you could benefit from any of our indoor air quality services, please get in touch and arrange an exploratory call.

Some of our clients