Worker health & safety
Compliance with WorkSafe requirements and optimum health and safety for occupational exposures
Occupational health services
Occupational Hygiene
Workers can be exposed to a wide variety of chemicals and particles in the workplace. Prezant anticipates what might be present based on the materials and processes, identifies the specific agents, and conducts monitoring focused on both compliance with WorkSafe regulations and the health and safety program, and corporate culture. How we conduct the assessment and how the assessment results are communicated with workers is of equal importance to the technical aspects.
Management of asbestos components in buildings begins with recognizing the historical building products containing asbestos, and ensuring that they are not disturbed to prevent release of fibres. Sometimes, however, these materials are accidently disturbed, requiring careful measurement of the degree of dispersion into adjacent indoor locations, and, if appropriate, a clean-up under controlled conditions. Prezant can conduct a risk assessment and recommend the appropriate remediation to minimize liability and exposure.
Strange and Unusual
Deterioration of stored microfiche film results in production of acetic acid. This phenomenon is termed “vinegar syndrome”. Employees of a public agency were concerned of this odour, when accessing stored fiche in a closet absent appropriate ventilation. Measurements were able to identify levels below concern from an irritation perspective, but still perceptible from an odour perspective. Further assessment of the ventilation in the work area was undertaken to ensure proper air exchange and air movement.
If you’d like to discuss how we could assist you with ensuring a safe workplace, please get in touch and arrange an exploratory call.
Some of our clients