Independent expert services

Providing expert opinions and reviews for complex legal cases

Independent expert:

Air quality, ventilation, mould, smoke and workplace health

With several decades of experience, Mr Prezant is often retained to provide an independent opinion by both plaintiffs and defendants on a range of topics including moisture and mould in commercial and residential buildings, methamphetamine contamination, air pollution and exposure to a wide variety of particles and gases in both occupational and non-occupational settings.

Mr Prezant has qualified as an independent expert in both federal and state courts throughout Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

As one published and non-confidential example, Mr Prezant was asked to provide an opinion in NSW regarding sudden cardiac arrest following exposure to traffic-related air pollution: “The Arbitrator accepted the evidence presented by Mr Prezant, based on his scientific knowledge as an occupational hygiene and epidemiology specialist with over 40 years of experience practising in Australia and America, that drivers on highways and roads are exposed to diesel engine exhaust (PM2.5) and ultrafine particular matter. The Arbitrator accepted Mr Prezant ’s methodology to calculate the deceased’s exposure, based on the scientific literature and the WHO publication, in respect of the levels of pollution within the deceased’s vehicle, being significantly higher than in other workplaces.[60] The Arbitrator rejected Mr Strautins’ criticism of Mr  Prezant ’s report…”. from Fisher v Nonconformist Pty Ltd [2023] NSWPICPD 12 (22 March 2023).

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